Be the Change... from Daily Good
Instead of pulling out your cell phone or other device when you have some spare moments today, choose to deeply take in your surroundings and notice the beauty in the ordinary that is all around you.
Saturday, October 5 from 11am-2pm at Herz Playground
1700 Visitacion Avenue
Saturday October 6 from 9am-3pm and Sunday October 7 from 12-3pm
Annual Merritt College Horticulture Club Plant Sale. Excellent sale and knowledgeable staff!
Sunday, October 6 from 10am-12pm
Ocean Beach clean up across from the Beach Chalet
Bring your own buckets and gloves if possible.
Monday, October 7 from 7:30-9:00pm in Dakin Hall at the Grade School
Gloria and Stephen Decater from Live Power Farm, Mendocino County
In this presentation, the Decaters will explore both biodynamic farming principles and how their practical experience on a farm have provided educational opportunities for nearly three decades to students of all ages. Through their educational program, students encounter and begin to form a relationship with the earth’s life, as expressed by the many different plants and animals that constitute the farm, and to afford them an opportunity to develop hands-on skills that give them a sense of the meaning of practical, productive work.
Beginning Tuesday, October 9th through October 24th
The Greater Good Film Series
All films at 6:30 at Matter of Trust in the Mission District except Symphony of the Soil on October 24th. Symphony of the Soil airs at 6:30 at the Randall Museum.
Ingredients Tuesday, October 9th
More than Honey Wednesday, October 10th
The World According to Monsanto Friday, October 12th
October 11-14th, 2013.
Women's Tracking Conference
Point Reyes National Seashore (Due to government shut down, this program might not operate as scheduled. Please contact them)
A gathering of women trackers, biologists, herbalists & artists. Come explore a detailed and broad perspective of tracking through animals, trailing, landscapes, watersheds, flora, dance, and art.
Beginning Friday evening and running through midday Monday, dynamic speakers will offer multiple classes and workshops simultaneously. This conference style format allows participants to design their days to best suit their interests.
Given the beautiful weather of California in October, most classes will be taught outdoors, although different formats will reflect the diverse teaching style of our presenters. Field classes, indoor lectures, and experiential workshops characterize each day.
Early morning yoga and bird watching will be offered and evening sessions will meet after dinner. Be prepared for long full days of new information and stimulating conversation as well as relaxation.
We welcome participants of all skill levels to join. We have each been beginners and continue to be so as we are introduced to new concepts, patterns, and skill sets. Participants have as much to offer as presenters.
LOCATION: Clem Miller Environmental Education Center sits in the heart of Point Reyes National Sea Shore, located in secluded Hidden Valley just two miles from the expansive white sands of Limantour Beach. The National Seashore encompasses over 70,000 acres of open space and woodlands with 30 miles of protected coastline along the shores of the Pacific Ocean and Tomales Bay. Surrounding habitats offer exploration of oak woodlands, coastal chaparral and grasslands, riparian corridors, sand dunes, estuaries, tide pools, and beaches
ACCOMMODATIONS: Participants will lodge in one of 4 pine cabins that are equipped with comfy bunk beds. A central bathroom facility houses toilets, basins and hot water showers. The main gathering cedar lodge is complete with wood stove, dining hall, science library, natural history center , and fully equipped kitchen. Laundry facilities are available.
MEALS: Organic and local foods provide the ingredients for the vegetarian and vegan options served each day provided by dedicated chefs hired specifically for the purpose of providing nutritious and delicious meals for our gathering. Please notify us if you have any special meal needs and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Learn more and register:
The first ever Building Resilient Communities Convergence, Oct 11 - 14
A unique opportunity for all of us who dream of a more sustainable and resilient future to come together from diverse backgrounds and habitats to explore and practice strategies to make our shared vision a reality. Whether you are a seasoned permaculturalist, hardcore community organizer, or just excited to learn about a new way of living in greater harmony with people and the planet, there is something for everyone! This fun and fantastic conference will bring together the BEST of the Northern California Permaculture Convergence (our 9th!) and the (2nd annual) NorCal Regional Transition Network for an action-packed weekend designed to build a powerful movement for community resilience.
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