Thursday, October 3, 2013

Second Grade Outdoor Adventures

El Polin Springs

After a number of Native American Coyote tales, the second graders began hearing the little adventures of Mr. and Mrs.Coyote who live in the Presidio of San Francisco. These adventures take place in special spots in the Presidio where the class is scheduled to go on an outing. Each time there is something to discover that was highlighted in the story.

On our first outing to El Polin Springs, we had our eyes open for possible sightings of Mr.Coyote, and looked forward to meeting the little Painted Lady caterpillars that the story told us live in the big willow trees by the stream that is almost dry in this season. The excited second graders have built a city for the caterpillars, and are also running caterpillar races. After carefully observing and tending to the little creatures, the children placed them one by one back on the willow tree.

- Lalla Carini, Grade 2 teacher

Lobos Creek at Baker Beach

This week we went looking for a lost creek on a hillside overlooking the ocean. Clues for our treasure hunt had been given to Mr.Coyote by Mr.Fox in our morning story. We searched for a scraggly bush named after Mr.Coyote (Coyote brush), for silvery green rounded leaves (sage) and for lupines. We also knew that Scrub Oaks and even Willow trees would be found close to water. We also followed insects and birds who might be hovering or roosting on the creek side. Each clue brought us closer to the final discovery, which was a Eureka moment. The greatest surprise was to find a “native style” lodge build out of sticks and twine right next to the creek. We sat around in the lodge and sang together the song Coyote and Silver Fox had sung when they danced the world into being. If the excitement hadn’t been enough, at the mouth of the creek on Baker Beach we found clay which the children carefully collected and shaped. We all remembered that, after Coyote made the earth, he sat by a creek to shape clay into what would become all the animals and people. What a triumphant feeling! -Lalla Carini, Grade 2 teacher

-Lalla Carini, Grade 2 teacher

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