Feel like getting up early this week?
You can see comets in the eastern sky with no binoculars needed! Visit http://www.spaceweather.com/ for more information.
Ongoing this fall and early winter, an opportunity to make improvements to parks near your home.
Saturday, November 16 10am-2pm
As the dry California fall continues, our fields and garden beds are eager for the winter rains. And we're looking forward to your support in planting 800 square feet of NEW Sidewalk Gardens in Noe Valley.
Join us on Saturday, November 16th from 10am - 2pm as we plant hundreds of California Native plants that can handle these long fall days.
The Climate Action Now! Pollinator Garden Project
@ Mission Education Center School
1670 Noe Street (x30th) SF, CA 94131
November 16 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm | Free
Come and view an exciting array of waterfowl, shorebirds, and raptors in Bothin Marsh along the bike path. We will focus on the different species that have arrived for the fall migration.
This event is open to all ages and skill levels. Rain will cancel this event. Questions: Contact Ranger Christin Lopez at (415) 897-0618 or CLopez@marincounty.org.
Meet at the Pohono Park and Ride.
DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 101 north take exit 445B for Stinson Beach. Merge onto CA-1 S. Turn right onto CA-1 N. Turn Left onto Pohono St. Make an immediate left into the parking lot, drive to end and park under Hwy 101. From Hwy 101 south take exit 445B onto CA-1 N toward Mill Valley/Stinson Beach. Turn right onto Pohono St. Immediate left into the parking lot, drive to end and park under Hwy 101.
Saturday November 16, 2:00-3:30 PM
Discover the secrets of the Cloud Forests in this informative tour with SFBG Curator Dr. Don Mahoney. The Garden is the only place besides their native lands where you can walk outside among these plants, many rare and endangered. Find tasty fuchsia berries, and tiny relatives of the kiwi, learn about medicinal plants and how these rare plants came to San Francisco and what is happening to these magical places in the wild.
About the Meso-American Cloud Forest:
High above the tropical rain forests in Central and South America, the landscape rises to elevations upwards of 6,500 feet, the close tropical air cools to mist and fog and reveals an abundance of mosses, ferns and epiphytes. Amidst a backdrop of every shade of green imaginable, high moisture levels and cool year-round temperatures sustain plants that vie for precious sunlight. Here in San Francisco, conditions are ripe for cloud forest plants. We have mild temperatures and, especially in summer, plenty of fog. We started planting our Mesoamerican Cloud Forest in 1984. Over the decades, this garden has matured to represent a typical cloud forest plant community.
Saturday, November 16, 2013 from 6:30-8 pm
Audience: Adults, High School Students, Public, Middle School Students, Families, Seniors
Location: San Francisco, Fort Point
See Fort Point by the light of candles and stars on this evening tour.
Reservations required; phone (415) 556-1693.
NOTE: The park is having technical difficulties with the Fort Point phone line; if you get a busy signal at (415) 556-1693, please call the Presidio Visitor Center at (415) 561-4323 to make reservations.
Tour fills quickly, so please call early.
Sunday, November 17 from 10am-1pm
Join the Presidio Park Stewards as we help restore the beauty of the Presidio by planting native plants, removing unwanted weeds and various other activities to help preserve native habitat.
Snacks are provided and we will be finishing off the day with a story circle!
For program details, RSVP to (415) 561-2730 or nature@presidiotrust.gov.
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